Discontinuing Home Isolation for Employees
As COVID-19 infections increase, employers may be asking when an infected employee should be allowed back in the workplace. CDC guidance has changed, moving away from a testing-based strategy to a time-based strategy. For symptomatic employees who do not require hospitalization, they should return only after (1) 10 days after symptom onset, (2) resolution of fever for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medications, and (3) improvement of other symptoms (the CDC notes that loss of taste or smell may last for weeks and need not delay the end of isolation). For asymptomatic employees who test positive, they may return 10 days after the positive test result. For employees who had to be hospitalized or who are severely immunocompromised, the length of absence may need to be longer (up to 20 days) and should be guided by the employee’s health care provider.
Ideally, work from home or leave strategies can be used for your isolated employees. FFCRA leave may also be warranted if you are a FFCRA employer.
Be safe and stay the course. And of course, let us know if we can help.