For 30 years, Mr. Black has been handling complex probate, trust, guardianship, and fiduciary litigation cases for clients throughout Texas. In addition, Mr. Black has served as administrator and guardian for multi-million dollar estates and guardianships. As a certified mediator, Mr. Black regularly assists attorneys successfully resolve their disputes in order to avoid costly litigation. In addition to his time in private practice, Mr. Black also served as both an estate settlement advisor and trust officer with two large banks. A frequent speaker at continuing legal education seminars, Mr. Black educates fellow attorneys on new and developing concepts in his practice areas.
News & Insights
Texas Guardianship Manual - Chapter 10 (Guardianship Litigation), 2020
Discovery on a Budget, State Bar of Texas, Advanced Estate Planning and Probate Course (Author; Speaker), 2019
Techniques to Avoid a Will Contest, Mexican American Bar Association of Houston, MABAH CLE (Speaker) - 2017
Recusal and Removal in Statutory Probate Court, Harris County Probate Court 4 June 2017 CLE (Author; Speaker)
Creative Discovery and Cost Saving Measures in Fiduciary Litigation, State Bar of Texas, 12th Annual Fiduciary Litigation (Author; Speaker), 2017
Texas Supreme Court Update, Mexican American Bar Association of Houston, MABAH All Day CLE (Speaker), 2016
Alternatives to Probate, South Texas College of Law, 28th Annual Wills & Probate Institute (Author; Speaker), 2013
Estate Liability for Child Support and Spousal Maintenance Obligations, Harris County Bar Association, 2011 Wills & Probate Institute - Fundamentals Course (Author; Speaker)
Fiduciary Obligations, South Texas College of Law, Wills & Probate Institute (Author; Speaker), 2011
Fiduciary Obligations, Estate Planning Counsel of Central Texas (Author; Speaker), 2011
Damages in Probate, Trust and Guardianship Cases, South Texas College of Law, Wills & Probate Institute (Author; Speaker), 2007
Recusal and Removal in Statutory Probate Court, Houston Bar Association, Wills & Probate Institute (Author; Speaker), 2006
Damages in Probate, Trust and Guardianship Cases, State Bar of Texas, 30th Annual Advanced Estate Planning and Probate Course (Author; Speaker), 2006
Damages in Probate, Trust and Guardianship Cases, Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Reporter, Vol. 44, Number 2 (July 2006)
Estate Liability for Child Support Obligations, Attorneys in Tax & Probate (Co-Author; Speaker), 2005
Estate Liability for Child Support and Spousal Maintenance Obligations, Tarrant County Bar Association, Litigation Seminar (Co-Author; Speaker), 2005
Estate Liability for Child Support Obligations, Disability and Elder Law Attorney’s Association (Co-Author; Speaker), 2004
Underutilized Probate Code Provisions, South Texas College of Law, Wills & Probate Institute (Co-Author), 2004
Representing the Estate and Trust Beneficiary, Disability and Elder Law Attorney’s Association (Co-Author; Speaker), 2003
Guardianship Law A-Z: The Basics, Houston Bar Association, 2003 Guardianship Certification Course for Ad Litem Appointments and Licensed Practitioners (Speaker)
Representing the Estate and Trust Beneficiary, South Texas College of Law, Wills & Probate Institute (Co-Author; Speaker), 2002
Avoid Winning the Battle and Losing the War in Survival Actions, The Houston Trial Lawyers Association Newsletter, Spring 2001
Representing Beneficiaries of Estates and Trusts, University of Houston Law Foundation, Wills & Probate Institute (Co-Author; Speaker), 2000
Contested Guardianships/ADA Issues/ADR, State Bar of Texas, Guardianship Issues In Probate and Family Law Courts (Speaker), 1998
Representing the Estate Beneficiary, University of Houston Law Center, Wills & Probate Institute (Co-Author; Speaker), 1997
Mary Carter Agreements Are Void in Texas as Contrary to Public Policy: Elabor v. Smith, 845 S.W.2d 240 (Tex. 1992), 35 S. Tex. L. Rev. 183 (1994)
South Texas College of Law, Houston, J.D. (cum laude), 1994
Baylor University, B.B.A., 1990
- Texas Courts
- Martin, Disiere, Jefferson & Wisdom, LLP., (of Counsel) - May 2023 - present
- BBVA USA / PNC Bank, N.A., April 2019 - April 2023
- The Black Law Firm, April 2005 - March 2019
- Cenatiempo & Ditta, LLP, August 1995 - March 2005
- Court of Appeals, 2nd Judicial District of Texas, Briefing Attorney, September 1994 - August 1995